Harry Thorne is a writer and editor based in London. He is a Senior Editor at Gagosian; former Director of Alison Jacques, London; former Consulting Editor of Gaia Art Foundation, London; former Associate Editor of frieze magazine, London and Berlin; and former Contributing Editor of The White Review, London. In 2017, he was shortlisted for the International Awards for Art Criticism.

The City of Stadiums (DE)ballesterer bibliothekInterview2025
Supermodernity and Non-spacesThe BlizzardFeature2024
Lonnie Holley: That Carousel of ThoughtGagosian QuarterlyInterview2024
Gagosian & MusicGagosian QuarterlyGuest Editor2024
The Reminiscence BumpArtReviewFeature2023
Paul McCarthy: The King Is DeadCatalogueFeature2023
Still Life, Still: Brian O’Doherty and Marcel DuchampGagosian QuarterlyFeature2023
Friends & Relations: Jake Auerbach and Bella FreudCatalogueInterview2023
Nicola L (Flavia Frigeri, Ruba Katrib, Oliver Lanzenberg)Alison JacquesTalk2022
Lenore Tawney (Glenn Adamson, Mark Godfrey, Kathleen Mangan)Alison JacquesTalk2021
The Sense of an EndlingGaia Art FoundationFeature2021
Carol Rhodes (Sara Barker, Oliver Basciano, Jennifer Higgie)Alison JacquesTalk2021
Eddie MartinezLOYAL GalleryFeature2021
Damien Hirst: Assemble the Dead and Gather Their BoxesCatalogueFeature2021
Matt CopsonArt BaselFeature2021
In Conclusion: A Review of Reviews featuring Harry ThorneMontez Press RadioTalk2020
As Life Moves Through Glass: The Window in Art HistoryTaschenFeature2020
Madeline HollanderfriezeFeature2020
Brian BelottLOYAL GalleryFeature2020
Utē Petit & Emma SoucekLOYAL GalleryFeature2020
Tony JustArtforumReview2020
Ryan McGinleyArtforumReview2020
Ella KruglyanskayaArtforumReview2020
On Ruin and Austerity ☆ArtforumFeature2020
Ruth Asawa ☆ArtforumReview2020
Prem SahibArt BaselFeature2020
Russell TylerLOYAL GalleryFeature2020
Trudy BensonLOYAL GalleryFeature2020
Caroline CoonArtforumReview2020
Have Art Prizes Had Their Day?ApolloFeature2020
Again and Again and Flow Apart ☆Whitechapel GalleryFeature2020
Tony CokesArtforumReview2020
Anne CollierArtforumReview2020
Alexandra Pirici & Jonas LundCORNERInterview2019
Steve McQueenfriezeReview2019
Danh Voart-agendaReview2019
Toronto Biennial of Art: The Shoreline DilemmaArt MonthlyReview2019
Okayama Art SummitfriezeReview2019
How Do We Make Art Sustainable?friezeFeature2019
United We Stand: On Collaborative CuratingArt BaselFeature2019
Wong PingCamden Arts CentreTalk2019
Ed Ruscha & EilshemiusfriezeReview2019
Mary Reid Kelley & Patrick KelleyStudio VoltaireTalk2019
Jannis Kounellis: A Taxonomy of Tired ThingsfriezeFeature2019
Rules of the Game: Channa Horwitz & Emma KunzfriezeReview2019
58th Venice Biennale: GiardinifriezeReview2019
Jean Cocteau, At RestfriezeFeature2019
Wong Ping & the Cartoon Subconscious ☆friezeFeature2019
Sharjah Biennial 14friezeReview2019
The Enduring Vision – & Optimism – of EyesfriezeFeature2019
Lavinia GreenlawfriezeFeature2019
On KawarafriezeFeature2019
Kai AlthofffriezeReview2019
Vitamin T: Threads & Textiles in Contemporary ArtPhaidonFeature2019
Jasmin WernerKunstverein BraunschweigTalk2019
23: An Essay on the Image of the StaircaseCatalogueFeature2019
Paul Anthony Harford ☆friezeReview2018
Lutz BacherfriezeReview2018
Mariana Castillo DeballfriezeReview2018
Joanna Piotrowska: The Black GardenfriezeFeature2018
Something Like a Portrait of Louise Bourgeois ☆friezeFeature2018
The Insularity of the Man Booker PrizefriezeFeature2018
A Game of Two Halves ☆friezeFeature2018
Alexandra Pirici & Jonas LundPublic Art MunichTalk2018
Critic’s Guide: ColognefriezeHighlights2018
Le Poète MauditWorks on PaperFeature2018
Maria Hassabi: Stillness is the MovefriezeInterview2018
Mary Reid Kelley & Patrick Kelley: Comedy, Tragedy, History ☆friezeFeature2018
The State is Not a Work of ArtfriezeReview2018
Des Hughes: Logic to the LackCatalogueFeature2018
There & Back AgainfriezeReview2018
Iman Issa ☆friezeReview2018
Tal RfriezeReview2018
Luke Willis ThompsonFrieze LondonTalk2017
Aleksandra DomanovićCatalogueFeature2017
A Seat at the TablefriezeFeature2017
Critic’s Guide: WarsawfriezeHighlights2017
I Taste the FuturefriezeFeature2017
Win McCarthy ☆friezeReview2017
Magali Reus ☆friezeReview2017
A New Visual CodeCatalogueFeature2017
Critic’s Guide: MünsterfriezeHighlights2017
documenta 14: KasselfriezeReview2017
Bones, Thugs, HarmonyfriezeFeature2017
What the Hell is Water? ☆friezeFeature2017
Claus RichterfriezeReview2017
57th Venice Biennale: Giardini PartfriezeReview2017
Critic’s Guide: BerlinfriezeHighlights2017
documenta 14: AthensfriezeReview2017
Maeve Brennan: The Drift ☆friezeFeature2017
1st Garage TriennialfriezeReview2017
The Giver, the Guest & the GhostfriezeFeature2016
Caragh ThuringThe White ReviewInterview2016
Laura OwensfriezeReview2016
Critic’s Guide: LondonfriezeHighlights2016
Julie Verhoeven: Infinite JestfriezeInterview2016
Wook-Kyung ChoifriezeReview2016
11th Gwangju BiennialfriezeHighlights2016
Kathleen RyanfriezeReview2016
Yuri Pattison: Network ControlfriezeInterview2016
Postcard from the Edge of the WorldfriezeFeature2016
Critic’s Guide: OslofriezeHighlights2016
Maria EichhornfriezeReview2016
Around Town: SharjahfriezeReview2016
Mark LeckeyfriezeReview2016
Jeff KeenPICPUSFeature2016
A Question of Taste: Pablo Bronstein & Anthea HamiltonICA LondonTalk2015
Mark Leckey ☆The White ReviewInterview2015
A Utopian World in ProgressfriezeFeature2015
Duane HansonThe Art NewspaperReview2015
Christopher WilliamsStudio InternationalReview2015
Jason RhoadesStudio InternationalReview2015
Reiner RuthenbeckStudio InternationalReview2015
Ahmet ÖğütStudio InternationalReview2015
The White Review hosted by fig-2ICA LondonExhibition2015